Dr. Susana L. Gallardo
Lecture notes:  Sex & Gender

rev. 8/2016


What's the difference between sex & gender?

What are "traditional" ideas of gender?

What are different theories of gender?

Where do we see ideas of gender changing?

What does it mean to "do gender"? Why does that matter?






Sex markers Males and females share roughly 99.8% of their genes. include

Sex is a primary, fundamental organizing category in our society
    bathrooms, institutions, education, marriage, etc.

So important that we surgically mutilate newborn babies that do not fit our expectations.



Gender markers include:

Notice: Body hair might be a sex characteristic, but how we deal with it is gendered.

Gender is hard to identify because it feels “natural”:
     What is natural? What is biological? What is cultural?

Sex differences


Gender is Dynamic – constantly changing

Doing gender - we do/perform our gender everyday.

Agency - our own experience, model, teacher...


Gender Socialization
-   colors

– A lifelong process by which we learn and integrate ideas of gender, differing by age, environment, culture, etc.

Where do we learn gender?

Theories of Gender - why are men and women different?

Essentialism -


Social constructionism


And yet, this model is simplistic -

Some of the most interesting work in between the two poles–brain differences because of social behavior, etc. Where does biology end and gender begin?

How does the brain process differential gender behavior?

The math/science conundrum




Terms to know