on Genesis

Some precursors.   Interpretations of the Adam & Eve story

Great Western theologians

–St. Bernard of Clairvaux claimed in his sermons in the Middle Ages that Eve was “the original cause of all evil, whose disgrace has come down to all other women.”

“ignominy…of original sin and the odium of being the cause of the fall of the human race. Do you not believe that you are (each) an Eve? The sentence of God on this sex of yours lives on even in our times and so it is necessary that the guilt should live on, also. You are the one who opened the door to the Devil, you are the one who first plucked the fruit of the forbidden tree, you are the first one who deserted the divine law; you are the one who persuaded him whom th

–Christian theologian Tertullian (160CE) reminded women that they all share Eve’s since the devil was not strong enough to attack Adam.


The Genesis story

What is the basic structure of each story? Creation one 1:1 – 2:3

Creation two 2:4-3: What word is used for God’s name? What is God like in the first story? What kinds of characteristics does God have?  What word is used for God’s name? What is God like in the second story? What kinds of characteristics does God have?

Look carefully at the lines of communication in the second story. What does God tell Adam?  What does Adam tell Eve? What doesn’t Adam tell Eve? Does Eve make a good decision? Why or why not?

Here’s an excellent discussion of the role of Eve in the Genesis story, written by an art professor and scholar Christopher Witcombe for his students.

Historical Images of Eve in the Garden

–borrowed directly from Christopher Witcombe’s excellent online presentation
Albrecht Durer, 1507, Museo Nacional del Prado, Spain

Masolino, “Temptation of Adam & Eve,” Florence

Temptation, Hugo van der Goes, 1470, Vienna

Michelangelo, , Sistine Chapel, Vatican

Lilith, Babylonian image, 2000 bce

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